Rehabilitation Work WAPDA Seeks Nod For Shutdown Of 2 Warsak Units


Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) has sought Power Division’s nod to shutdown its two units of Warsak Hydroelectric Power Station for rehabilitation, after National Power Control Centre (NPCC), an arm of National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC), made the same request, well-informed sources in Ministry of Water Resources told Business Recorder.

As per Wapda, it is attempted recovery work of the creating units of Warsak Hydroelectric Power Station with the funding of AFD/KFW/EIB advance (Euro 130 million) to reestablish the first limit of Warsak from 193-MW to 243-MW to give reliable modest capacity to the public framework for another 30-35 years life cycle and furthermore to modernize its old/out of date apparatus with most recent innovations.

In such manner the PC-l was supported by Chief Board of Public Financial Gathering (ECNEC) on July 09, 2015.

Wapda keeps up with that agreement for E&M works was granted to M/s G.E hydro France and Sinohydro China JV on November 05, 2021. The plan period of E&M gear of venture is close to the end and the task will go into execution ease sooner rather than later.

According to contract arrangement and standard time plan presented by E&M worker for hire, units 5 and 6 will be given over to the project worker by May 23, 2023 for destroying and restoration work. Subse-quently, these producing units will be welcomed back ready on Walk 21, 2024 and April 06, 2024 (probably) after fruition of their recovery.

Part Power (Wapda) Jamil Akhtar contended that once the achievement of restoration of initial two units (5 and 6) will have been accomplished, the task will move to the following stage, the recovery of next two Units (3 and 4). Wapda had moved toward NPCC, the Framework Administrator (SO) GM for requesting of closure on units 5 and 6 from April 28, 2023 to Walk 21, 2024 and from May 23, 2023 to June 06, 2024, separately, to embrace recovery exercises of units 5 and 6.

Nonetheless, GM (SO) NPCC, in his letter of Walk 28, 2023 lamented the closure of units 5 and 6, saying that the proposed closure surpasses the base admissible time for upkeep exercises in any arrangement year, as determined in PPA table-1 of timetable 2. Hence, the closure on units 5 and 6 can’t be permitted.

Part Power (Wapda), sources said, in his correspondence with Wapda’s parent Service, i.e., Service of Water Assets, contended that thinking about the gravity of issue and legally binding commitment, simultaneousness of Service of Energy (Power Division) is expected to be acquired for smooth and productive execution of task.

Wapda, through Service of Water Assets, mentioned simultaneousness of Service of Energy (Power) Division in regards to closure of units (5 and 6) of Warsak Power Station to do restoration works of Units 5 and 6 considering Agreement Concurrence with M/s GE, Hydro France and Sinohydro China JV.

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